When it comes to getting a head start on the working day, always ask a pet owner. Why? Because often, they’re up earlier than the rest of us, ensuring their beloved animals are fed, watered and exercised.
This week, here at Chorus Comms HQ, we asked our client Jitka from Vita Canis to share her tips for a great morning routine.
PJ days, lazy mornings, and re-charging the batteries with a well-deserved lie in? They are not happening in my life, sadly!
I’m a morning person and my dogs make sure I stick to it. As some of them are getting older, they are stricter with their routines, don’t like change very much and can be quite demanding.
So, thanks to my dogs I am up at about 5:00-5:30am without an alarm. That’s when the routine starts: letting the dogs out and then feeding them, and after breakfast they happily go back to their beds. How lovely!
Then my time starts!
I have a lovely breakfast with my second hot drink for the day, my coffee (before this I have a glass of warm lemon water to help with morning dehydration which also gives your body a fantastic good morning kick.) While I’m having my breakfast I usually read some motivational and inspirational books to set the tone for my day. Some of my past favourites are the 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins, You are a Badass by Jen Sincero, The Success Principles by Jack Canfield and so many more.
After breakfast I write three pages of free flow writing. I just put my pen to paper and write whatever crosses my mind or what I would like my ideal day to look like. Try it, it’s very therapeutic. Then I check what I have scheduled for the day (planned the night before) and tick off some of the tasks from my list; such as Facebook posts, a newsletter or a blog … in Mel Robbins book I read that the first two to three hours after we wake up are the most productive for our brain!
Up next is 20 minutes of yoga, followed by a quick shower, 10 minutes of meditation and 10 minutes checking my goals and reading my affirmations. I have only recently added the goal reading and affirmations to my daily routine, as a result of reading The Success Principles, and I have to say that the positive affirmations do a magic to my mind set, my feelings and my general outlook for the day ahead.
With all of this I am finished by 8:00am and then my ‘work’ day starts. Usually filled with looking after my boarding dogs, making my products, marketing, and occasional dog grooming.
So now my blog is finished, I am ready for my morning yoga 😊. Hope this helps, Namaste, Jitka, www.vitacanis.co.uk.